BPS North Lampung Regency on Monday, December 4 2023 held an activity to prepare recommendations for sectoral statistical activities which took place in the BPS hall of North Lampung Regency. This activity was attended by the North Lampung Regency BPS sectoral development team and representatives from several regional apparatus organizations (OPD) from the North Lampung Regency Regional Government, namely the Education Office, Communication and Informatics Service, Development Planning Agency, Food Crops and Horticulture Service, Plantation Service and Animal Husbandry, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Population Control and Family Planning Service, and Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service.
At the opening of this event, Yufendra, S.IP, M.Si emphasized to the participants to continue to work together to continue building a statistical system within the North Lampung district government. Therefore, continuous guidance is needed from data developers, in this case BPS, and data guardians, Kominfo, as well as data producers, namely the relevant OPD. This activity was continued by carrying out the preparation of sectoral statistical recommendations by each OPD which was supervised directly by the North Lampung Regency BPS sectoral development team.
With this event, it is hoped that sectoral statistics development activities in North Lampung Regency will continue to run optimally in the future.